Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I can't be at my computer with out music on.
No particular kind of music, just something, anything buy silence.

I find a lot of things funny, by funny i mean really, really interesting.

My office sitch is wayyy serious.
I work at a pretty cool fashion magazine. It's not in your face vogue but its not a smaller unheard of random boutique mag. It's more timeless than timely and it's definitely different than anywhere I've ever worked or been involved with. Although the publication will be nameless for the time being, let me explain the office sitch. Small room above popular bar in SoHo.. pretty cool right? Real cool staff, a bit serious, but super chill. The only thing that bugs me a bit... is the silence. No one has music on, or youtubes blasting, or any of the sort. The last office I was in had so much going on all the time, music, videos, massive chatting. I love office dynamics and everything involved with it; the people, the environment, the smells, and sounds. Unfortunately, there is not much of a soundtrack to my current office but where they lack in sound, they are the kings of smell. Well.. not my coworkers, but the bar downstairs. As soon as you walk into the building this smell attacks your nasal passage and goes straight to your brain and you will never forget this smell.
Anyway... the point was the no music/silence thing. The fact that i feel like i have to whisper when i answer the phone. I just think its funny and interesting. like everything else.

sitch= situation

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