1. Mecca: Style.com
When you go here for your daily dose of all things that matter and that are important, check out my boss modeling in the Absolute ads!
2. My fave blog: Missbehave Magazine
I will quote my best friend, Chelsey, to explain this, "It's not fucked up, it's just girls!!" That probably made no sense to you. Missbehave Mag is where I started. Everyone who creates this beautiful book is so extremely talented and awesome its redick.
Their blog makes me giggle and I really have OCD about checking it everyday. Their next issue is a banger, just like all the other ones.
3. My fave boys: Mass Appeal Magazine
Mass Appeal is Missbehave's boyfriend/big brother/dad/coach? You get what I'm saying? They are bread and butter, biscuits and gravy, peanut butter and fluff ( i love all items listed). Besides being one of my favorite magazines of ALL time.. They actually publish me too. It's so cool to have people who support you and let you be involved. All the guys over there are incredible and hillllll. My boss styled the current cover, Michael Pitt, and I styled the current, back-of-the-book, Miss Appeal.
The blog is diverse and witty and i heart it.

4. Mr. Stephen: Stephen Schuster's Photo Blog
Besides being my BESTIE, Mr. Stephen is also the photo editor of Mass Appeal and a great photographer. His blog has a gagillion of awesome photographs (some styled by yours truly). His newly launched portfolio site is just as exciting. I'm also super jealous of his branding and wish my own was as clean and perfect. Sorry, totally design-nerded out for a second. I heart Mr. Stephen, as should all.
5. The Future: Bon Duke Photography
Ambitious, talented, on point, all explain Bon Duke Nguyen. I've known Bon for over a year now and he's totally a bestie and someone i LOVE to work with. When we get together our minds explode with ideas. He's young but will take over the world. Check out the King Stampede shots we did a few months ago. Also, the compton informant story.
6. Get One of These: Dripbook.com
If you are in design, photo, illustration, or any other media that can be posted in portfolio style... get a Dripbook. Dripbook is an invite-only website that networks creatives. check mine out:
while you're there... check out BonDuke, MarleyKate, and YanikkLewis.
7. Real Life: Skullset
I mean to check this site more, but have been slacking. Jack Seigal, an LA based photographer, takes super organic pictures of his friends (filmfilmfilm!!) and puts them on his site. If only it was that easy... most of his friends are socailites, musicians, models, and actors. He shot a few things for Mass Appeal and that's how i was introduced to his work. He recently shot for Urban Outfitters. 20 bonus points to the person who finds Mr. Stephen in the photos!
8. My Best Friend: Free TV Online
Since I moved to BK back in sept, I have been tv-less. My room mate doesn't have one, so i left mine at my parents house. Living tv-less for the past few months has been quite a blessing. I read more, I create more, and I go on my computer a HECKUVA lot more. When I'm on my computer I watch TV online. Surf the Channel is where i usually go, but if there are others like it, i wouldn't mind exploring. The top shows I watch are Law and Order (SVU!), Friends, the L word (my bff's on it), 30 rock, All That, and Are You Afraid of the Dark?.
9. Music: Magic Online Radio
This is the best radio/playlist website online!! Make an account for free and make your own stations. It always plays the songs i want to hear. My favorite stations are my amy winehouse, converge, nirvana.
10. The Artist: Shawn Feeney
Shawn Feeney is a man of many, many talents. From art to music to fighting crime. He does it all. His drawings are inspiring and intriguing. His BFF project is hillll and i really want one of me and my bestie, Terence. I saw Mr. Feeney perform in his hip hop side project, Green Hemoglobin, last weekend and I have never seen anything like it in my life. An experience worth a lifetime. They only perform once every ten years... so mark your calenders for 2018.
11. Fake Education: Odd News
Every morning, I wake up, brush my teeth, make a cup of tea, read the real news, then read ODD NEWS. I'm obsessed and you should be too.
Old Time Rock n Roll
Primary Games
Green Hemoglobin
Evil Genius
Mod My Life
redick- ridiculous
hillll- hilarious
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