Way back in 2005, I decided to try weight watchers in an attempt to be skinnier than my bestie, Brittany, before prom. This is how I went about it:
Chelsey and I were working at an after school program at the Elementary School for most of our senior year. One of the mothers, who equalled three of me, kept coming in and updating me on her weight watchers progress. I don't remember her last name, but I do remember she was Albanian and loved me because of my half Albanianess. Anyway, she suggested I try weight watchers which she might as well have said "you're fat, do this to lose weight." She lent me her little book of points and spells and I attempted to read some of it. Okay... knowing me I didn't read any of it and just looked at the page where it said 'start' and 'points per day'. After careful calculating how many points I could have, I came up with the number 36. after two weeks with NO progress what so ever, I turned to some of my aunts and grandmother at our mandatory Sunday family brunch (pure guido-ness), knowing that most middle aged women have taken a stab at weight watchers at some point in their mid 40's-60's. After telling my tale to my Aunt Allison, she asked me how many points I was ingesting and to show her the book. Apparently, I should have read the book because I was eating the point value of a pregnant woman on weight watchers which was about 10-12 points higher than the average NON pregnant female. Moral of the story: Read everything, always. Weight Watchers sucks and takes too long to lose weight, starving and exercise is way easier.
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