Funny story from when I first met GaGa. I was on set with CITY mag for a features shoot. This was when the 'Just Dance' video first dropped in April/May of last year. I was standing with the Art Director when this little fierce blonde waltzed up to us in an awkward pant suit, halted into a model-esque pose and said, "I'm GaGa." She then pivoted and walked towards her crew. A little girl (intern?) ran up to us with a huge case, opened it, and said, "These are GaGa's GLASSES," which was just a case of a bunch of super cool vintage classes that she expected us to style around. Anyway. After this dramatic entrance, she was actually pretty cool and super excited about her career just starting. She turned out to be pretty refreshing as an artist and her style is bananas. She has my approval as long as she doesn't sell out and start making whack music with the Neptunes or something.